Hello, its me again. In my last article, I mentioned a bit about godspouses and different kinds. Romantic, platonic, parental, working relationships, each are all valid relationships to have if you and your diety chose to go down such a path together. Spousal is not for the faint of heart, nor is it for everyone, but it can be greatly rewarding and an amazing opportunity. Here, I'm going to explain what its like for romantic godspouses, from someone who is romantically godspoused to Apollo, Loki, and Hermes.
The basics of godspousal
One of the first things to note is that before even considering down this path, is how long you have been working with your diety, if you want to dedicate your whole being to them, and how much you know about both them and godspousing. The worst thing that could happen would be entering into a relationship when you don't know what you're doing, or if you aren't working with said diety and haven't gotten confirmations. Generally, the diety will approach you, propose, you two will enter a courtship period if you agree, and after some time has passed, you wed.
To try making this a little easier to digest, I'll add examples as my experiences as a godspouse. Loki was the first to come forth and propose to me, starting me on the path of a godspouse. I was taken by surprise and hadn't done much research on the topic but knew what he was talking about. We had been working closely for several months and after some time, I felt like things were changing between the two of us; almost like a child-like crush or puppy love. One night when doing divination with him, he proposed and I had others confirm what he was asking through divination for me. We courted for several months before we had our ceremony and I don't regret anything. Hermes wasn't as formal, nor was Apollo. Loki brought Hermes into my path and it was Loki who let me know of Hermes' feelings, to which we took it from there and had many long chats with the three of us. As for Apollo, he had made the other two jealous at first but it was Loki who gave us the green light. Then one night, Apollo casually asked if we wanted to get married and perform the ceremony then and there.
Things to consider as a godspouse
As I stated above, make sure you know a lot about your diety before you enter into any agreement. You're also going to want to know the terms of what the both of you will be bringing to the table. Both of these points are very important as you will be spending the rest of your practice learning as much as you possibly can about who you are spoused to, bonding with them, and anything they ask you to do. They will be your number one priority and if you spouse more than one diety, the first one will be who has first say in everything. Some common roles of a godspouse are to spread information about their spouse to others, learn as much as they can including all their epithets, being their messenger and shadow work deliverer, or a long distance spouse with similar acts as a human relationship.
Activities in the astral realms
If you're lucky enough to be able to astral travel, then that can be a way to visit your spouse. There are many things to do in the astral but be careful as it can get very dangerous and is definitely not a place for beginners. There are many cool places to visit and entities to meet, especially if you're going there guided by your spouse. You can use magic, wield energy, spar, shapeshift, and do nsfw activities. There has even been reports of people having astral children. Yes, sleeping with dieites has been recorded for many, many years, long before the term "godspouse" was created.
I rarely visit the astral realm but when I do, often, I'm on what equivalates to a date with one of my spouses. I won't share all details as they're private to my spouses and I but I will share what I can. Often, my three spouses and I will explore the astral together if they have some place planned, showing me cool new places. They have taken me to a large library in search of hard to obtain information, into the underworld to mess with my soul parents, and in group singing in clubs to have some fun. I've also sparred with Loki to let off steam and grow stronger; it's important to know protection in the astral.
Aside from the activities in the astral, I and others have channeled my spouses which not only allows for talking face to face but also physical contact. Channeling is a great alternative for the astral route if you or someone close to you are able to use this ability although be warned, it can quickly exhaust the body and if used too much, will also leave you with spiritual burn out.
The hard truth
Sometimes you may not be allowed to tell others of your relationship and you will have to gain permission if you want to be open about it to the public. Some people are allowed to be in relationships with other human people while others aren't, it's something that you'll have to make sure of during your courting stage while you're getting to know each other in romantic ways. If you are allowed to date others, humans or entities, sometimes the first spoused may tell you to stop that new relationship, even if it hurts. Sometimes your spouse may be gone for long periods of time with no warning and no explanation while other times you may not be able to hear your spouse clearly. You'll be so full of love with no where for it to physically go that it aches. You'll also hear of other spouses that your diety has and remember that no one is above another in that spouse's eyes and several dieties are poly.